In the creative industry, it’s not uncommon to witness the saying “Great minds think alike” come to life. Our recent project, the Blincclip reflector, bears resemblance to the Flectr Clip reflector, exemplifying this phenomenon.
Many LoveCyclingSG veterans may recall the “Safety Flag” project from 2011, an effort to enhance cyclists’ visibility on roads. The reflective flag, designed to flap in the wind, aimed to capture attention and increase safety for cyclists.
Discussing this project with David Jonathan, a recent Product Design graduate from NAFA (Singapore), sparked interest in turning it into a commercial product. This collaboration resulted in the birth of Blincclip, the first blinking reflector.
Working closely with the cycling community during the test phase yielded encouraging results, leading us to launch the project on Kickstarter. Originally set for November 13, 2019, some delays pushed the launch by a day. To our surprise, another similar project called Flectr Clip debuted on the same day, sparking questions about Blincclip’s originality.
It’s crucial to clarify that we independently developed the idea. Anyone familiar with product development understands the impossibility of copying and launching a product within one day. Additionally, Blincclip was internationally featured on Bicycle Design on November 2, 2019, and later on Cycling Tips on November 4, 2019, predating Flectr Clip’s launch. A simple Google search for “Blincclip” and “Flectr Clip” confirms Blincclip’s earlier appearance in the public domain.
For more information, please visit the Kickstarter pages for both projects using the following links:
Blincclip : The first blinking super-bright reflector
FLECTR CLIP | Your ultimate protector in the darkness