After our letter to MOT on May 28, more people including members of LovecyclingSG, are writing in to various authorities request for safer road for cyclist.
Taiwoon Woon (2012-08-18) to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong
As I got more involved with cycling community building, I begin also to take more notice about the lack of attention for the cyclists safety. We as lovecyclingsg have been actively trying to improve our cyclist’s odds by sharing more information, conducting safety clinic. We also wrote to Ministry of Transport and LTA to ask that more be done for cyclists safety and share on the cyclists plight. << this is the email message to MOT .We also have had a first meeting with LTA on the 2nd July and there is not reply from them. I don’t know what more to do which is why I am writing to you directly.
Today early morning, 3 cyclists was hit by a lorry at Loyang road. One of the rider name is Freddy Khoo. I don’t know him personally but I was told he didn’t not make it. He leaves behind a wife and son. This is what is left of his bicycle.
Sir, I appeal to you. Please help make the roads safe for cyclists.
Adriane Lee (2012-08-19) to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong
The government is asking Singaporeans and residents to be more environmentally sustainable and to embrace sports as part of an active lifestyle. Yet when the call is answered by embracing cycling, we pay for it either with verbal abuse or our lives.
Let not the death of these cyclists and the psychological trauma carried for life by these drivers involved be in vain, let us work together road users and the government to make sure these instances do not happen again.
You spoke during the National Day rally of a Singapore that is inclusive, a nation that we all embrace as one. One where the government and the people work together. Then let it start by a very simple act of promoting peaceful co existence among all road users be they motorised or otherwise, for that person on that bicycle regardless of race, religion, nationality is someone else’s father, mother, son, daughter, brother and sister just like you and me. By doing so, we will show to other nations, we are an inclusive society and one that Singaporeans can be proud to call home.
Stephen Choy to Minister of Transport, MR Liu Tuck Yew
Dear Minister Lui
My friend is dead.
If, only if, I had written this letter earlier, Freddy might still be able to cycle with me in the next Ironman race.
To the spokesperson from LTA, I say shame on you. Shame on you for taking the easy way out. If NParks is able to build 300km of park connectors (by 2015), surely the LTA is capable of painting a 1.5m lane on our roads. This is merely the width of 2 carton boxes. Are cyclists not worth that. If having cycling lanes islandwide prove too daunting a task, then perhaps we can start small, start a pilot project to paint only the more popular (and dangerous) cycling routes – Neo Tew Avenue, Mandai Road, Changi Coastal Road, Upper Thompson Road, West Coast Highway.
Calvin Boo (2012-08-19)
Sirs and Madams, between the two evils of speeding vehicles / drivers and cyclists running pedestrian lights, which one do you think has the potential to inflict the most harm? (No, I do not condone cyclists flouting the law). What is Traffic Police’s priority and what concrete measures are LTA taking to protect the rights of vulnerable road users?
But most of all, I beg you to step up enforcement and do something very concrete about those speeding vehicles and reckless drivers who are running wild all over Singapore.
There’s another accident out there waiting to happen that can possibly be prevented. Something needs to be done, and urgently.
Andrew Wan (2012-08-20)
Void of clear answers, many cyclists ‘invent’ their own rules, & do whatever they think is safe to get them from Point A to B
On the other hand, some cyclists choose not to put their lives in danger and continue to cycle on corridors, pavements but to the ire of pedestrians.
Now stuck in a Catch-22 situation, cyclists are officially the pariahs of all public places, which is a very unfortunate position for us. After all, cycling is just a simple, fun, self-sufficient, healthy & green activity for people with different needs – sports, leisure, commuting. Since when it got so complicated and dangerous?!?!
I wish to appeal to the relevant authorities to have a good look on the guidelines, infrastructure, traffic rules etc for cyclists; and implement what is necessary to improve the situation.
Jesse Cai (2012-08-20)¬if_t=like
When an accident happens resulting in the death of a cyclist, it doesn’t ends there. It starts with the grieving and suffering of the family, the loss of a father, a mother, of a husband, a wife, of a brother, a sister, of a friend. But how many readers see and read beyond the news print of a death cyclist? Do they feel the same pain, the suffering of the affected family?
If you ask me how the government can help? I say, pass the death sentence for reckless driving resulting in death. Period.