SafeCycling meets LoveCyclingSG

2011-06-26 Singapore East Coast Park, Road Safety Park

Thanks to Steven Lim, the President of Safe Cycling Task Force, he conducted a “Safe Cycling Clinic” at the Road Safety Park in East Coast Park last Sunday for the LoveCyclingSG group. The presentation material was jointly prepared with the Traffic Police. Steven gave an hour long talk on the basic principles of Safe Cycling and later gave demos on lane positioning in the Road Safety park.

The following is a summary of the points covered:

1. Bicycle is considered a vehicle, you drive a bicycle.
2. Observe all traffic rules like any other road users on the roads.
3. Be competent and confident before hitting the road.
4. Know all traffic rules and road signs. Get a Basic Theory Book.
5. Know your skills, your ability, your health. Do not over estimate yourself.
6. Know your bike, it’s performance, it’s ability, it’s wear and tear.
7. Know your equipments, clothing, helmet, gloves, etc. their functions, performances, their life span, when to replace.
8. Know your route. Plan your route before you ride, know it’s traffic conditions.
9. Know your right of way but NEVER INSIST on it.
10. Be courteous and patience with other road users, share the roads.

The most important take home message is:

A PDF file can be downloaded from the SafeCyclingTaskForce site.

Here is the photo record of the event:

Getting ready for the SafeCycling talk

Getting ready for the SafeCycling talk

Getting ready for the SafeCycling talk

A new lady member looking forward behind KC and Andrew

Experienced riders David and Mr. Teo find the talk entertaining

Must be a serious message..

Steven Lim, President of SCTF, conduction the SafeCycling Clinic for LoveCyclingSG group

The Safety Cycling Flag with a heart

LovecyclingSG group listening to the safety tips

Steven Lim: Your position within the lane tells a message to the drivers behind

It’s not a Sunday without a ride! Many of the LoveCyclingSG group member had the ride in ECP before the start of the talk 🙂

2 thoughts on “SafeCycling meets LoveCyclingSG

  1. Kelvin

    Hi Francis, with reference to EWalker ride’s group photo taken at the old-style playground, I assume that playground is within the Dakota estate?

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