Thanks to Mary Ang and everyone who helped to make the ride possible. We had a record breaking 42 cyclists joining the ride yesterday! After a three weeks break in Hong Kong, I’m Very happy to see many familiar faces (Mr. Teo, Clarence, Andy, Andrew, as well as many new ones. Too bad Wyton had a little accident and three of us need to go back before the destination, so the only whole group photo we had is the one at Chinese Garden MRT before we set off. Nevertheless, great ride and I am grateful that we explored another new area.

GL wife Pei Fen and Bro in Law

Agung: Let me see..

Sharon: I'm ready to go!

Easy riders

New friend from Russia - Ruslan



Eddy and Andy watching GL showing off

Waiting at the junction

Vince with his new roadie


New face: Advenged

Thanks to GL for the video:
thanks to Eddie for the map
The completed route: 33km
Thank you … nice pictures !!
Thank you , great pictures
Thank you Mary, for your effort in organizing the fun & challenging ride!